Kimberley Research Workshop
Community Livelihood Evaluation
It does not work!
A Collaborative Learning Case Study
52 industry leaders from a very diverse range of sectors in Australia and Internationally were invited to participate in the Study.
Due to research privacy obligations the names are withheld.
Just scroll to the bottom of this page where you'll find the VIEW THE WORKSHOP button.
This complimentary course is/was a case study of Implementation and there are two ways you can apply it and learn from it to evaluate your own initiatives:
1) Learn it: Join the course to learn from participants in the prior PhD workshop by listening to their perspectives while working through the course content. See how it was applied as an evaluation process in the context of Industry or Government development initiatives, community engagement or impacts.
2) Apply it: Use the method as an evaluation process for your own development project or programs, that seek to engage communities. Assess if your development initiative has already achieved the six primary objectives (of the learning themes) to achieve sustainable communities. If you have not achieved them then this Cultural Mapping Model™ would be of value if sustainable growth of your initiative and its engaged community, is your preferred outcome.
This is a complimentary case study.
Participating Sector: Not for Profit
"The new information and insights I got were around the process of establishing growth and steps to insure an outcome for communities."
Participating Sector: NRM
"The new information and insights I got were how research and innovation are so focused on third parties needs and outcomes not actually on behalf of communities (they engage with)."
Participating Sector: Aboriginal Land Tenure
"The new information and insights for me are the ways in which spatial mapping can be used."
Participating Sector: Training and Education
"The insight for me was reiteration of and (my) acknowledgement of the ‘key stakeholder’ influence on projects and their direction."
Participating Sector: Economic Development Consultancy
“The insight for me is that the interest and scope is very wide, more than I anticipated”
Image Credits:
Glenn Campbell/Fairfax Syndication, image of Maggie Green NT (top), video Copyright Poverty Inc; (central banner), Rod Hartvigsen, image (bottom banner)